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Critical Care Patient and Family Support Services

在重症监护室呆一段时间有时会有压力和压力. Washington 医院澳门银河娱乐系统为患者提供一系列支持服务 和他们的家人一起帮助他们顺利度过这段时光 possible. 以下服务和资源可以帮助您 您在参观或逗留期间感到舒适,或满足您的特殊需要:

Critical Care Journal

入住重症监护室后,可以为家庭成员提供一个 journal to write in. For family members, having a patient in Critical Care can be a highly stressful experience. Studies have shown that writing 在床边写日记可以缓解一些焦虑和压力 that families feel. When returning home, the journals enable patients to make sense of their Critical Care experience. A Critical Care journal can be a place where family members:

  • Keep a timeline of events for the patient
  • Express feelings and emotions
  • Document their presence, commitment and supportive role
  • Communicate information for other family members to read


Spiritual Care Program

澳门银河娱乐医院懂得满足情感和精神 needs of our patients is important for the healing process. We recognize 我们的病人和他们的家人来自不同的背景和宗教 and faiths. Washington Hospital has interfaith chaplains available to provide compassionate support to meet your needs.

Our interfaith spiritual care staff can provide:

  • 关心病人和家属,倾听他们的心声
  • 对所有信仰传统和宗教信仰的精神或宗教支持
  • 协助联系你的私人牧师或来自你信仰传统的人
  • 宗教圣礼和仪式,比如圣餐,病人圣礼, confession and blessing
  • Bibles or other spiritual reading materials
  • 支持与生命结束和相关悲伤有关的决定

如需安排牧师或联络灵灵关怀计划,请致电 510.818.6569, or tell the bedside nurse you want spiritual support.
After hours, call the Hospital operator.

Palliative Care

姑息治疗的目标是减轻身体,情感和 精神上的苦难,为病人提供最好的生活质量. 患者的多学科支持团队可能包括医生、护士、 帮助缓解症状的社会工作者、治疗师和咨询师 like pain, anxiety, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting.

Meditation Room

医院有两间不分教派的冥想室, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The meditation rooms offer a quiet 反思的空间,来自许多信仰传统的祈祷书,和祈祷 rugs and kneeling stools. One is located on the first floor of the Main Hospital, across the hall from the surgery waiting room. The second medication 房间位于莫里斯海曼重症监护馆的一楼.

Case Management and Social Work Services

对病人和他们的家人来说,应对疾病可能是一段非常困难的时期 loved ones. 在澳门银河娱乐医院,有经验和敏感的社会工作者 病例管理人员可以帮助患者及其家属 应对可能出现的许多心理和社会问题 facing an illness, hospitalization and medical treatment.

我们的社会工作者作为耐心的倡导者,作为顾问,帮助 to find resources and solving problems. When medically necessary, case 管理人员还帮助安排病人的护理水平 离开医院(可能包括康复设施)时,技术熟练 nursing facilities, hospice, or board and care homes. Any concerns related 对每个病人的心理,实际或社会福祉或 他们的亲人可以与我们的社会工作者公开讨论.


  • 病人出院后的出院计划
  • 回答有关健康保险,Medi-Cal, Medicare, social的问题 security and state disability
  • 案件协调,帮助您决定最适合您的安排时 you leave the Hospital
  • Psychosocial evaluations and treatment planning
  • Crisis intervention
  • Financial assessment and reporting
  • Advance directive assistance
  • Community resources
  • Helping arrange home health care and home hospice
  • Setting up durable medical equipment


为了你所爱的人,保持健康和休息是很重要的. Take 休息,喝液体,吃有营养的食物,锻炼和休息.

Helpful link: Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers

Other Members of Critical Care Staff:

非重症医师咨询医师:取决于病人 特殊疾病,其他专科医生可咨询 intensivist to help manage the patient.

呼吸治疗师管理呼吸机(呼吸机)并提供 breathing treatments to patients with breathing problems.

营养师会评估病人的具体营养需求 make feeding recommendations to the intensivist.

物理治疗师在重症监护中开始康复过程 minimize loss of strength and mobility. Occupational therapists assist 病人必须能够从事日常生活活动.

语言治疗师帮助有语言或吞咽困难的病人. These functions are often impaired during critical illness. Speech therapists 能帮助我们确定哪些食物(如果有的话)是病人可以安全吞咽的.

社会工作者帮助为病人和家属提供社会心理支持 needed to cope with illness. They help provide patient education and counseling, and make referrals to other services.

病例管理人员在出院前帮助确定患者的需求 并在病人准备的过程中帮助他们做好适当的安排 to leave the Hospital.

精神护理专家为家庭提供情感和精神上的帮助 support during times of critical illness. They offer prayer, religious rituals or sacraments, and support with end-of-life issues.

姑息治疗为患者家属提供支持和指导 extremely ill in making difficult medical decisions.

Other Services:

  • Concierge Services -在您入住期间,我们希望您过得舒适 possible. You are invited to use our free concierge services. They can 提供所有信息,从去哪里预注册到 where local restaurants and hotels are located. Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Patient Representative -我们的患者代表可以作为患者之间的联络人, 他或她的家人和医院,沟通问题和担忧 给合适的工作人员,并解释医院的 policies and procedures. Phone: 510.818.7328.
  • Valet Parking -免费代客泊车,位于主楼外 Hospital entrance. Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Cafeteria – Breakfast: 7 to 10 a.m.; Lunch: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Dinner: 5 to 7 p.m.
  • Vending Machines -位于手术候诊室和一楼 the Main Hospital.
  • Gift Shop – Located in the Main Hospital lobby. Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • ATM -位于医院大厅外,收银处对面.

Common Medical Terms:

Links to Other Useful Websites:

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