

Washington 女性中心 offers a wide range of state-of-the-art diagnostic 服务在一个舒适的环境. 由我们的现场放射科医生阅读,诊断 imaging is clearer than ever, thanks to Washington's advanced picture 存档和通信系统.

This powerful digital technology also makes it possible for physicians to receive reports and images more quickly, enabling them to expedite 护理. Computer-aided detection (CAD) refers to sophisticated pattern recognition software our radiologists use to help them read medical images. 这个软件 identifies areas of interest on the medical images and brings them to the attention of the radiologist in order to decrease false negative readings. It does not replace the imaging technology; rather it is an interpretive aid to use as "a second pair of eyes" when reading mammograms.


Clinical trials demonstrated that use of the ImageChecker system can result 在早期发现的多达23例.目前检测到的癌症中有4% with screening mammography in those women who had a prior screening mammogram 9到24个月前. CAD得到了放射科医生的广泛支持, the American College of Radiology, Medi护理 and patient advocacy groups. 美国 Cancer Society has recognized the benefits of CAD as a technology 对平均风险的女性进行乳腺癌筛查. 最近更新的 guidelines state: "… CAD systems may aid the average radiologist by substantially improving detection of early stage malignancies with 不超过召回率的比例增加."


Our radiologists review the mammogram then activate the CAD software and re-evaluate the marked area(s) before issuing a final report.


数字乳房x光检查 is different from a standard mammogram. 数字乳房x光检查 provides greater detail, giving radiologists access to more information 这样他们就能做出最好的评估. 有了数码照片, the physician can zoom in, magnify, and optimize different parts of the breast tissue in the picture without having to take an additional image. 数字乳房x光检查 can be particularly useful in younger women who often have dense breasts that are difficult to evaluate with conventional mammography. With digital technology the procedure is completed more quickly, and the clarity of the images means fewer retakes are needed - both factors that 女人欣赏. We offer convenient 预约时间s from early morning 到傍晚时分.


呼叫 510.818.7410 安排您的筛选预约. 你需要医生的诊断书 在你的预约日期之前. 一定要带医嘱 你要避免约会延误.


Previous Mammograms: 如果你 have had previous mammograms taken at another facility it is helpful to obtain film copies by contacting the facility 他们是在哪里完成的. 这样可以节省时间,避免不必要的额外工作 测试. Bring these with you to your appointment or you can sign a waiver to give us permission to obtain your prior mammograms at your scheduled 预约时间. 我们的放射科医生会回顾之前的研究并进行比较 with your current mammogram to establish a baseline and more accurately detect any changes in breast tissue that may have occurred over time.

注册: We can obtain all the information needed over the phone at the time you 预约. 请在预约时间前15分钟到达 该去检查一下,换件衣服去做乳房x光检查了. 我们提供茶、咖啡 还有健康的零食,让你感到舒适.

如果你 have the time you may want to stay, have a snack, and check out our Women's Health Resource Center or schedule a brief or 50 minute Massage after your mammography appointment right in the spa-like setting of our 女性中心.

任命: 我们的女性中心为女性提供隐私和舒适. 你会被护送 to a dressing room and provided with shirt gown and robe to keep you warm 和舒适的. Please do not apply talcum powder or deodorant to your 腋下和胸部. 这些产品可以改变获得的图像. We have one time deodorant packets for your use if you wish to use them 考试之后.

Mammography is only one important tool for breast examination. 美国 Cancer Society recommends the following cancer screening guidelines for those people at average risk for cancer (unless otherwise specified) and 没有任何特殊症状.

  • Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and continuing for 只要女人身体好.
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE) should be part of a periodic health exam, about every three years for women 20多岁 and 30s and every year for women 40岁及以上.
  • Women should know how their breasts normally feel and report any breast 及时更换医疗服务提供者. 酒窝:皮肤的酒窝或酒窝 nipple, nipple discharge, rashes on the breast or a lump not noted previously 应该报告. Breast self-exam (BSE) is an option for women starting 20多岁.
  • Women at high risk (greater than 20 percent lifetime risk) should get an 每年做一次核磁共振和乳房x光检查. 风险中等增加的妇女(15 to 20 percent lifetime risk) should talk with their doctors about the benefits and limitations of adding MRI screening to their yearly mammogram. Yearly MRI screening is not recommended for women whose lifetime risk 乳腺癌的发病率不到15%.

People who are at increased risk for breast cancer may need to follow a different screening schedule, such as starting at an earlier age or being 更频繁地进行筛查. 那些有可能与乳房有关症状的人 癌症患者应该马上去看医生.

Your health 护理 provider will perform a clinical exam of the breast with each wellness check up as appropriate for your age and risk factors. 计划 to discuss the importance of self breast exam at your next visit. 如果你 wish to make an appointment to learn more about self breast exam you can meet with our nurse educator and learn how to do a self breast exam. You will watch a short video and then practice with a breast model. 按照约定 只需要20到30分钟. 呼叫 510.818.7356 安排预约.

Alternately, click on the link below to learn more about self breast exam:

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